The Blue's

 Lately I have been feeling a bit under the weather. Not for any particular reason other me being occasionally moody. I wouldn't say moody in a bad way (don't judge me) but more so internally down. As I grow older I realize that Monica's song "Just one of those days" really resonates with me more and more lol. Any who, I think the best thing to do when your feeling a bit down is to dress up which helps me feel good. If you look good it feels good. Keep in mind that it doesn't always work but it's definitely better than feeling blue internally and looking bad externally. I refused to be a victim of both so.....I expressed my blue's with an amazing Faux Fur scarf and some amazing comfortable grey trousers. As if the Faux fur wasn't enough, I decided to wear this amazing silk button down with floral buttons. I mean if Silk+Faux fur doesn't make you happy, then I don't know what does hahahah. Just kidding, I'm sure plenty of other things could make you happy, but for me this is just one of them. This outfit can definitely be worn to a brunch event, a fashion show, or any event where you won't feel uncomfortable wearing a huge wrapped Faux Fur scarf. Thank you so much for reading, until next time.


XoXo-Micaéla Verrelien 

Micaela Verrelien