So for those of you who follow me on Instagram, you were able to celebrate my Man Repeller feature with me (Shy smiling). THANK YOU to everyone who clicked on my article and gave it a read because you have NO idea what that meant to me. I remember moving to New York and not having any sense of direction on how I was going to get to where it was that I wanted to go. In all honesty I still don't! But what I do have is faith, and I am a strong believe in what is for you will always be for you alone. Life isn't easy but the fact that we're alive and healthy, that is the biggest part of our blessings. Living the life of a dreamer is hard but no one said it would be easy, which is what I consistently tell myself every morning. I will keep pushing myself and hoping that I can still continually be an inspiration to each one of you and also an inspiration to the young Micaéla. The young Micaéla had dreams yes, but the older Micaéla has taken the wheel and is ready to drive the success express lane! (Hehehe and YES I just spoke about myself in 3rd person. That is okay right?) Any who, I hope you all like the article the link will be down below, love you all! Until next time.


Xoxo- Micaéla Verrelien 


Micaela Verrelien