Love....4 Letter Word What Does it Mean Exactly? do I say this? Love has no meaning? No, that's not it. Love has no meaning to my generation? No, that's not it either. Well, then what is it? I feel like we have way too many situation-ships and not as much real relationships. Is situation-ships something that everyone really wants or is that something we settle for in search for who we are. At this point I truly don't know anymore. I did a poll on my IG stories yesterday and I asked " Should love be hard or easy" this poll was a 50/50 split which I found to be extremely interesting. Something I also find to be extremely interesting is that we do have a few milinials who are in relationships; and I realized that while being on social media many of us idolize these couples and do the whole hashtag thing like: #hashtagblacklove, #hashtagswirl or #hashtagrealationshipgoals. Is that our self consciousness doing the double tapping on Instagram or is it our actual consciousness?
While you digest everything that you just read, I will change the mood to talk about a different type of love. I realized that I love a good "throw back Thursday" pair of sneakers because I am truly a 90's kid. I partnered up with Famous Footwear and they have so many classic sneakers that I fell in love. Last week I featured a classic pair of Adidas and now I am featuring these classic New Balances that I fell in love with on sight. Oh, how I wish love of the heart worked like that, but I digress. Moving right along, I had so much fun shooting this look and of course, let me know your thoughts on the look. You all know where to find me, shoot me a email or comment on my Instagram post and show me some love.
Talk Soon!