Finding Happiness When Feeling BLUE

These past few weeks have literally been a roller coaster of emotions. I feel like my focus has been on all the wrong things. I tell myself that I should never compare myself to anyone but myself; but sometimes even comparing yesterday's success to today's or tomorrow's wants is unreachable. A lot of times I'm super hard on myself because of wants not because of Gods needs. However, this morning I woke up on the right side of the bed and I realized that I can let go of a lot, and start taking care of myself a bit more. I work hard but I can work a little harder and focus on what matters the most which is happiness. The next few weeks is going to be an adventure and I hope you all tune in to it all. I will be taking full advantage of everything that is brought to me with no looking back! I have a few surprises for you all and I can't wait to share. Make sure you stay tuned via my Instagram to find out. Love you all, and thank you so much for always passing by to read what I have to say. Alllinks to my outfit will be down below including what I used to do my makeup, talk soon.

Xoxo-Micaéla Verrelien 


Outfit Details:


Micaela Verrelien