Infinite Success

This week has gone by so fast however, trust me I am not complaining. I've done my best to make sure that I don't continue to beat myself up over things that I can not control. I'd rather find happiness through life, and allow life to take me to a place where we all want to be, success. Success is happiness and happiness is success. Doing what you love and making sure you grow while doing so is success in my opinion. Right now like I have a very bright future ahead of me. I'm not sure what great things will come, but I know that I want to be ready for them. Preparation is one of the very bold keys that allows success to flourish. What I do to prepare is that I make sure to: always pray, always create new creatively thought out content, and lastly reach out to one person that I'd like to work with. Prayer keeps me going but the hard work helps me succeed. The outfit that I'm wearing down below is something that I feel made me feel free and feeling good. Feeling free like I have no limits is what helps me be creative. To me creativity has a lot to do with freedom and when you feel free the limitation to success is infinite. Let your light shine as much as you possibly can and I will do my best to do the same. Have an amazing week my loves.


Xoxo- Micaéla Verrelien



Outfit Details: 





Micaela Verrelien